Here is the second half of our conversation about the publishing industry, this time focusing on newspapers, magazines, and the internet. In this episode we...
It's another anime themed episode of Nostalgia Myalgia! This month we delve into Rurouni Kenshin, a Toonami-featured show about an assassin-turned-pacifist.
This week, on a very special Novel Ideas, Gabs has an important message for Ben. Is it time for Ben to finally kick his coke habit? No, it's time to tell him...
Hello there listeners, and welcome to another episode of Bardolatry. Today, Gabs and Olivia (with written contributions from Katy) discuss Romeo and Juliet...
This month on Nostalgia Myalgia, we did something a little different - we recorded ourselves playing the classic children's board game Candy Land. The...
Hey there, listeners! Get ready for another episode of the Virgin Podcaster! On this month's episode, we invite lovely ladies Erin and Gabs to talk about this...