We thought it would be funny to drop some Doctor Who virgins into the show to see their reactions. Little did we know they’d pick the campiest, weirdest episode of Nu-Who. Check out Seán and Talia’s conversation with added commentary by resident, Lindsay Marshall.
Rule 1: The Doctor lies.
Rule 2: If you’ve never seen Doctor Who before, do not start with “Love and Monsters.”
Nope, not the Doctor.
There he is! Aaaaand now he’s gone.
…why wouldn’t a spaceship destroy Parliament? I don’t see aliens caring about governments on Earth.
No, the blonde guy is not the Doctor. The Doctor is barely in this episode.
They’re so distracted by Moaning Myrtle.
Just imagine if they started with the episode Dumbledore’s in.
This hurts me, too.
Nope. Still not the Doctor.
Did they seriously not notice the Doctor is Barty Crouch Jr.?
This episode doesn’t even make sense to Whovians.
Yeah, because he has about two minutes of screen time.
This is a completely understandable reaction.
On behalf of Whovians everywhere, I apologize.
Featured image via Radio Times.