Erin E Rand
Erin is a history enthusiast and is often found in the library surrounded by eighteenth century coroners' rolls. She is also a champion binge-watcher and completed all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer in four weeks.
Gabrielle Roman
Gabs Roman can't get enough of weird history facts, YA fiction, or The West Wing. One day she is going to write that musical about Genghis Khan.
Jessica Thelander
Jessica Thelander spends her time writing up her Transfiguration homework, cooking a mean second breakfast, and reciting monologues to a skull. Her Kindle has become her security blanket, and she never leaves home without it.
Katy Mastrocola
Katy Mastrocola enjoys contemplating everything, stuffing her soul with chocolate, and hunting for Pokemon. She spends her spare time coming up with crazy theories for her latest obsessions, which happen to be A Song of Ice and Fire and Steven Universe.
Olivia Woods
Olivia Woods is obsessed with funky socks, classical mythology, and fantasy. Her favorite holidays are Halloween and Shakespeare's birthday, and she'll turn anything into a pun if you let her.
Rosie Gutmann
Rosie Gutmann is an anime fan, historical drama addict, and self-diagnosed bibliophile. If left to her own devices, she will happily devour a novel a day, as long as she has a cup of tea in her hand and her cat, Pixel, in her lap-- you know, life's essentials.