Q&A with: Kaleigh Spooner Jennifer Gordon ReidAugust 31, 2015 Minerva interviews Kaleigh Spooner about traveling back in time to meet JRR Tolkein and staying focused when writing long fics. InsightQ&A0 Comments
Why Age Cannot Wither the Badass Heroines of Shakespeare L.S. KilroyAugust 28, 2015 If you’ve read Shakespeare, you’re aware of his penchant for strong-willed females, from gender-bending heroines to formidable queens. fandomInsight0 Comments
Q&A With: Thatwasjustadream Jennifer Gordon ReidAugust 10, 2015 We Q&A popular Fringe, Hawaii Five-O, and Lost fanfic writer Thatwasjustadream on the fanfic community and her advice on writing good fic InsightQ&A0 Comments
Q&A with: Sarah Remy Jennifer Gordon ReidJuly 27, 2015 In this installment of our Q&A series, Minerva spoke with Sarah Remy about the pros and cons of fanfiction tropes, writing fanfic while parenting, and how... InsightQ&A0 Comments
Why We Wear Out the Rewind Button Jessica ThelanderJuly 22, 2015 Think of your favorite fandom. Books, movies, TV—it doesn’t matter. I’m going to assume you’ve got something you’re obsessed with. You’ve read the... fandomInsight0 Comments
Confessions of a Closeted Fangirl Eden BadgettJuly 15, 2015 How one fangirl learned to embrace her inner geek. InsightPersonal Essay1 Comment
Q&A with: Cecilia Tan Jennifer Gordon ReidJuly 13, 2015 The second installment of our bi-monthly Q&A series with author Cecilia Tan. BooksInsightQ&A1 Comment
Spellslinging and Sundresses Natahlia ZaringJuly 10, 2015 Three girls, one car, 1800 miles to a Magic: the Gathering Invitational in Columbus, Ohio. GamesInsightPersonal Essay0 Comments
Q&A with: Hilary Rhodes Jennifer Gordon ReidJune 29, 2015 A discussion about fandom and how fanfiction can lead you to new places. InsightQ&A1 Comment
Anne Boleyn: Victim or Vixen? Gabrielle RomanJune 22, 2015 A review of The Creation of Anne Boleyn and portrayals of Anne across time. BooksHistoryInsightTelevision0 Comments